What is Guided Biofilm Therapy?

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) is a modern, minimally invasive dental cleaning treatment that focuses on the removal of biofilm, plaque, and tartar using a gentle air-polishing system. Utilizing the EMS Airflow machine, GBT delivers a comfortable and effective cleaning experience by combining warm water, fine powder, and air to target hard-to-reach areas in the mouth. This technology ensures thorough removal of harmful bacteria that lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and other oral health issues.


The EMS Airflow machine uses a unique combination of air, water, and erythritol powder to disrupt and eliminate biofilm from both teeth and soft tissues. Its precision nozzle delivers the solution gently, making it ideal for patients with sensitive gums or those undergoing orthodontic treatment.


  2. DISCLOSE (Make biofilm visible)
  4. AIRFLOW (Remove biofilm, stains and early calculus)
  5. PERIOFLOW (Remove biofilm in pockets
  6. PIEZON (Remove remaining calculus)
  7. CHECK
Terapi Biofilem Terpandudan scaling gigi

Treatment Benefits

  • Minimally Invasive:GBT is gentle and less abrasive compared to traditional scaling methods, ensuring patient comfort.
  • Effective Plaque and Biofilm Removal: It ensures thorough cleaning of teeth, gums, and around orthodontic appliances like braces.
  • Safe for All: Suitable for patients with sensitive teeth, dental implants, and braces.
  • Preventive: Reduces the risk of developing gum disease and cavities by maintaining oral hygiene.

Conditions Treated with Guided Biofilm Therapy

  • Gingivitis and mild to moderate periodontal disease
  • Plaque and tartar buildup, especially in hard-to-reach areas
  • Maintenance for patients with implants, crowns, and orthodontic braces
  • Preventive care for maintaining healthy gums and teeth


Consult on Allergies: Ensure that you inform your dentist of any allergies, particularly to erythritol, latex or other ingredients used in the treatment.

Post-treatment Care

Before and After

Frequently Asked Questions

Scaling traditionally involves the use of metal instruments to scrape away tartar and plaque from teeth surfaces. Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) uses the EMS Airflow machine with air, water, and a fine powder to gently remove biofilm and plaque. GBT is less invasive and more comfortable, especially for sensitive patients.

GBT is less abrasive than traditional scaling, ensuring more comfort and preserving the integrity of the tooth’s surface. It offers a more comprehensive cleaning of hard-to-reach areas, especially around braces, implants, and restorations, effectively removing biofilm and reducing the risk of gum disease.

GBT uses a fine erythritol or sodium bicarbonate powder, which is gentle on tooth enamel and soft tissues but highly effective in removing biofilm and plaque.

Yes, Guided Biofilm Therapy is completely safe. The treatment uses gentle air-polishing technology and a biocompatible powder (erythritol) that won’t harm teeth or gums. It is suitable for patients with dental implants, braces, or sensitive teeth.

No, GBT is designed to be gentle and comfortable, especially when compared to traditional cleaning methods. The warm water and fine powder ensure minimal discomfort.

GBT can be done as part of your regular dental check-up, usually every six months. However, patients with specific oral health issues may benefit from more frequent sessions.

Yes, GBT is safe for use on dental implants, crowns, veneers, and orthodontic braces. It is particularly beneficial for cleaning around these dental restorations.

Biofilm, if left untreated, can lead to various oral health issues, including gum disease, cavities, and bad breath. It’s a sticky layer of bacteria that accumulates on teeth and gums, creating a breeding ground for dental problems.

Biofilms are harmful because they harbor bacteria that can cause inflammation, tooth decay, and periodontal disease. Over time, biofilms become more resistant to cleaning and can only be effectively removed through professional dental treatments like GBT.

Biofilm can accumulate on teeth and gums and may manifest as a sticky layer on teeth, bad breath, or early signs of gingivitis (gum inflammation). Regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings can help identify and treat biofilm before it causes more significant problems.