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Enhance My Smile

Chipped or Broken Teeth

Teeth that have been damaged or worn down.

Treatment Options:

Book a consultation

Yellowing of teeth happens due to the buildup of plaque, tartar, or stains from everyday eating and drinking habits. It’s one of the most common complaints people have about their smile.

Treatment Options:

Book a consultation

Teeth gaps, often occurring between the upper front teeth, can be due to a variety of causes such as genetics, gum disease, or habits like thumb sucking.

Treatment Options:

Book a consultation

Teeth that are not uniform in size or shape.

Treatment Options:

Book a consultation

Tooth discoloration can occur over time due to factors like smoking, drinking coffee, tea, or wine, and certain medications. 

Treatment Options:

Book a consultation

Black teeth are often a sign of serious dental issues, typically caused by tooth decay, trauma, or prolonged exposure to staining substances like tobacco. Teeth may turn black if they’ve been damaged, such as following trauma or root canal treatment (RCT), or due to a buildup of tartar and plaque that’s been left untreated.

Treatment Options:

Book a consultation

Teeth can wear down due to grinding (bruxism), aging, or acidic foods, causing them to look short or uneven. This can affect both the aesthetics of your smile and your bite.

Treatment Options:

Book a consultation

White spots on teeth are usually the result of enamel hypoplasia (underdeveloped enamel), excessive fluoride exposure (fluorosis), or early signs of decay. They can also occur after orthodontic treatment when plaque builds up around brackets. Although these spots are not always harmful, they can make your smile appear uneven.

Treatment Options:

Book a consultation